80 research outputs found

    Building Forts and Drawing on Walls: Fostering Student-Initiated Creativity Inside and Outside the Elementary Classroom

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    The arts embody one of the oldest forms of knowledge and knowing and action research provides opportunities to experiment with art as an integral part of the creation and dissemination of knowledge.This report is a personal account of a teacher with 16 years' experience as an elementary classroom teacher, who found that young children are drawn to an arts-based approach of inquiry, one that is grounded in arts practices. He describes many incidences inhis classroom where there have been many instances of students using methods to enhance their learning experiences that were similar to those found in artsbased learning and arts-based educational research settings

    An Arts-Based Classroom Confronts Educations Metanarratives: Grand Narratives, Local Stories and A Classroom Teacher\u27s Story

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    This paper examines and deconstructs how a 4th/5th grade independent school teacher and his teaching partner were assessed based on their classroom management and teaching styles. The school administrator’s perspective and critique of this teaching team is expressed through a six-page performance evaluation report. As a member of the teaching team, the author presents an alternate perspective; advocating for self-initiated, interdisciplinary and creative approaches to learning. He viewed his practices as a site for a critical pedagogical discourse, ongoing analysis, reflection and revision. Here the author reflects on how two conflicting teaching paradigms perceive and evaluate the management style of this unconventional classroom

    STEAM with a Capital A: Learning Frenzy

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    A student dipped a brush into a bowl of viscous tempera paint and in a few quick strokes formed thick magenta letters on a large display board. Nearby a handful of students were working together to attach string to paper cups and balloons. Across the room a small group of girls were lying on the floor carefully adding multi-colored text to a poster. Two others created characters out of Popsicle sticks for a puppet show...This is how the integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Math (S.T.E.A.M.) happened with the fourth and fifth graders during the first few weeks of school

    Stumbling Into the Spiral: A Serendipitous STEAM Exploration

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    An artist-educator discovers how a STEAM-based approach to making art brings together a variety of subject areas in surprising ways


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    In this study, the researcher used an action research methodology to investigate the self-initiated creative processes and artifacts of his fourth and fifth grade students over the course of one school year in an attempt to shed light on the pedagogical effects of an elementary classroom that allows its students significant creative agency. The majority of the literature on the self-initiated creativity of children examines the work of primary grade students in an art room setting, revealing a gap in the literature and the need for a study regarding self-initiated creative processes and products made by children in an intermediate general classroom setting. The research site was a democratically based, child-centered classroom in a private day school where students were encouraged to share in the development of the conceptual, curricular, and physical aspects of the learning environment. The self-initiated creative activities of the children provided a unique lens through which the researcher was able to view and understand his students’ learning styles, gain insight into their metacognitive processes, and observe the ways they navigated their classroom space. Empowering students to become critical agents through choice and autonomy led to arts-based approaches of inquiry and spontaneous creative learning experiences. An analysis of the data contributed to an understanding of six essential principles for facilitating self-initiated creativity within the everyday constraints of a traditional schooling environment, as well as cautionary revelations about how I could have been more effective at co-constructing an enduring culture that supported self-initiated creative learning in collaboration with my colleagues at the research site

    Aplicación de las sinergias de tipo concurrente en boxeadores que presentan disquinesia escapular tipo I, que asisten al polideportivo de la federación deportiva de Imbabura de la ciudad de Ibarra durante el periodo de enero - Agosto 2013

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    Objetivo General Aplicar sinergias de tipo concurrente en boxeadores que presentan disquinesia escapular tipo l, que asisten al polideportivo de la Federación Deportiva de Imbabura en la ciudad de Ibarra durante el periodo Enero – Agosto 2013 1.4.2 ObjetivosEl presente trabajo de investigación realizado en el Polideportivo de la Federación Deportiva de Imbabura de la ciudad de Ibarra que tuvo la finalidad de buscar soluciones a la problemática, en este caso la presencia de disquinesia escapular tipo I en boxeadores, al ser una población vulnerable, ya que practican un deporte de combate de alto impacto por lo cual están propensos a golpes o lesiones recurrentes. El objetivo fue determinar la población afectada por esta patología, para ejecutar en ellos un protocolo de ejercicios basados en la aplicación de sinergias de tipo concurrente con el fin de prevenir y tratar la misma para mejorar el rendimiento competitivo de los deportistas. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de tipo descriptivo, cualitativo, de campo y propositivo, de diseño no experimental y de corte transversal, con una población de 36 deportistas de la disciplina de Box entre las edades de 13 a 18 años, se empleó una encuesta estructurada pre y post diagnostica para realizar el levantamiento de datos y comprobación de los mismos. Resultados: En el análisis inicial se observó que los boxeadores antes de recibir el entrenamiento especial manifestaron en su gran mayoría la presencia de dolor al ejecutar las técnicas de este deporte, ahora después de este proceso un 81% mejoro en la ejecución de las técnicas gracias a q el dolor disminuyo satisfactoriamente, ya que pueden ejecutarlas con facilidad y de manera óptima. Gracias al fortalecimiento muscular y la disminución del dolor, ahora un 67% de la población aumento totalmente su fuerza al realizar las técnicas de box y del mismo modo en el 81% de ellos mejoro la velocidad al ejecutar las mismas, logrando así en optimo desempeño en los gestos técnico-tácticos de este deporte. Conclusión: se identificó la población de deportistas afectada por esta patología, se observó la eficacia y efectividad de los ejercicios de la guía propuesta

    Reasignación por necesidad de servicio como factor de vulneración de la unidad familiar en el personal subalterno de la 31° Brigada de Infantería del Ejército de Huancayo

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    El presente trabajo aborda una problemática generalizada en el ámbito militar castrense, los que se reflejan básicamente en la vulneración de los derechos fundamentales que todo ciudadano tiene; si bien es cierto que las fuerzas armadas están sometidas a disposiciones especiales, estas no pueden trasgredir los derechos fundamentales como el de tener un desarrollo personal equilibrado dentro de un ambiente sano y familiar, lo cual implica tener la estabilidad y permanencia en el ejercicio de sus funciones en determinada jurisdicción de carácter permanente y excepcionalmente desarrollar algunas tareas en otros circunscripciones territoriales cuando el caso amerité como calamidad y desastres naturales o convulsión social extrema los que se configuran por mandato constitucional; sin embargo estas disposiciones de rango constitucional han sido desbordadas por la decisiones emotivas e interesadas por determinados jefes y mandos militares en la zona central, específicamente en la 31º brigada de infantería del ejército en Huancayo. Estas consideraciones y problemática ha motivado el Desarrollo de la presente investigación para entender como “Reasignación por Necesidad de Servicio como Factor de Vulneración de la Unidad Familiar en el personal Subalterno de la 31º Brigada de Infantería del Ejército de Huancayo, 2018 - 2019” en cuyo caso el objetivo trazado ha sido “Describir cómo la reasignación por necesidad de servicio vulnera el derecho a la unidad familiar en el personal subalterno de la 31° brigada de infantería del ejército de Huancayo, 2018-2019”, estableciendo que la reasignación por necesidad de servicio genera la unidad familiar conforme establece nuestra hipótesis “La reasignación por necesidad de servicio vulnera de manera significativa el derecho de preservar la unidad familiar en el personal subalterno de la 31° brigada de infantería del ejército de Huancayo, 2018-2019”. Por lo que se sugiere establecer de manera taxativa cuales tendrían que ser las causas de manera puntual que generen la reasignación en el personal castrense

    Improving in-season wheat yield prediction using remote sensing and additional agronomic traits as predictors

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    The development of accurate grain yield (GY) multivariate models using normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) assessments obtained from aerial vehicles and additional agronomic traits is a promising option to assist, or even substitute, laborious agronomic in-field evaluations for wheat variety trials. This study proposed improved GY prediction models for wheat experimental trials. Calibration models were developed using all possible combinations of aerial NDVI, plant height, phenology, and ear density from experimental trials of three crop seasons. First, models were developed using 20, 50 and 100 plots in training sets and GY predictions were only moderately improved by increasing the size of the training set. Then, the best models predicting GY were defined in terms of the lowest Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and the inclusion of days to heading, ear density or plant height together with NDVI in most cases were better (lower BIC) than NDVI alone. This was particularly evident when NDVI saturates (with yields above 8 t ha-1) with models including NDVI and days to heading providing a 50% increase in the prediction accuracy and a 10% decrease in the root mean square error. These results showed an improvement of NDVI prediction models by the addition of other agronomic traits. Moreover, NDVI and additional agronomic traits were unreliable predictors of grain yield in wheat landraces and conventional yield quantification methods must be used in this case. Saturation and underestimation of productivity may be explained by differences in other yield components that NDVI alone cannot detect (e.g. differences in grain size and number).This study was funded by the projects AGL2015-65351-R, PID2019-109089RB-C31 and TED2021-131606B-C21 of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. AG-R was funded by a Margarita Salas post-doctoral contract from the Spanish Ministry of Universities affiliated to the Research Vice-Rector of the University of Barcelona. VRRY was funded by a pre-doctoral contract from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PRE2020-092369). The funders had no role in the study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or manuscript preparation.The authors acknowledge the contribution of the CERCA Program (Generalitat de Catalunya). The authors acknowledge Andrea Lopez, Ezequiel Arqué, Jordi Companys, and Josep Millera for their technical contributions to the experimental setup of field trials.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Embodiment and social distancing: Practices

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    A collection of five video essays on embodiment and social distancing, with a focus on practices. RAFFAELE RUFO, “Dancing Together Alone: What Can Be Learnt About Connection When Touch is Forbidden?” (00:10): This video essay reengages the experience of leading a dance improvisation practice on Zoom during the Coronavirus lockdown. As a tango and contact improvisation dancer confined at home, I felt urged to ask: what can be learnt about embodied connection when we are not allowed to physically touch each other? ANAT BEN-DAVID AND CATHARINE ANNE CARY, “What’s the Matter?” (05:54): Performers, scenographers, musicians and wordsmiths Anat Ben-David and Catharine Cary improvised via ZOOM every Tuesday from March to May 2020. Embracing latency, zoom’s affordances, limitations and distortions, they show here excerpts of a transformed body of work. Separated by 5218 km, given the Covid-19 situation, it could have been 200 meters. DEANNA BORLAND-SENTINELLA, LOUISE GWENNETH PHILLIPS, AND ALICE OWEN, “Virtually Embodied: Remembering the Sensations of Connection” (12:04): This film is an exploration of the body: Being present to place and time; being aware of connection with others, whether that be in reality or through virtual connection and sensorial memory. NATHALIE S. FARI, “Notes from a zoom 5Rhythms® session” (17:10): By using a three-hour 5Rhythms® online workshop as basis, this video sheds light into the ways in which the practitioner interacts and engages with both one’s own bodily awareness and the new technology of zoom. AMBERBECKYCREATIVE, “Sheltering in Spacetimematterings: Audiovisual Considerations of Social Distancing” (22:42): Two socially distant authors glitch audiovisual intra-actions through embodied (dis)orientations of space, time, and matter in past/present/future collapsed to (re)present what it’s like to shelter in place during the COVID-19 pandemic